Being a good goldsmith is not enough to succeed. This course is aimed at those who, having decided to undertake this profession, need guidance in finding their way in the world of work. Recommended for those who are finishing their studies, for those who already work in a company or for those who want to launch their collections on the market. Who among you knows how to define the cost of an object and consequently how to determine its price? How do you prepare a professional estimate? How to prepare an effective CV? What is a Business Plan and what is it for? What are employment contracts and how do they operate? How do you communicate professionally to journalists, on your website and on social media? Strategies, planning, tips to put into practice immediately, mistakes to avoid and much more in a day full of content!
Course of
Jewellery strategy and communication

- THE COMPANY: The entrepreneur and the partita IVA. Registration with the Chamber of Commerce. The various types of business: advantages and disadvantages. The headquarters of the company and its name; the laboratory location. The Business Plan. The company’s financial statements (balance sheet). The cost and the selling price. How to make a quote for a customer. Payments, traditional and electronic invoices. Withholding Tax. INPS (Italian state body which coordinates national insurance funds), VAT number, INAIL (national institute for the insurance against on-the-job injuries), IRPEF (income tax) and other taxes and stamps duty. Warehouse and inventories The accountant: his responsibilities and the CAF(government office for tax assistance and information). The strategic location of the laboratory and shop. The SCIA, Public Safety, the lay-out of the premises and installations.
- THE COMPANY: the employee. Types of companies and laboratories. The collection of information about the Company. The European CV, Europass and dynamic. The interview, the recruiter and the psycho-aptitude tests. The bench test. The primary brand, mass production, highest quality. Types of contract.
- COMMUNICATION: because it is important to communicate and do it in a professional way and with marketing foundations. Press office: communication to journalists and the “press kit”. How to write and what mistakes to avoid. The role of image and video. Press review and articles. Costs and investments in communication. Strategic use of social media.
- CASES OF SUCCESS: experience lived by one or more students
Request Information
Time of the year
Available all year round, excluding holidays
Course frequency
One day only
Days and shifts
Friday or Saturday
9.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m., 2.00 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Course duration
8 hours
200 €
The Course is open to all
Number of students
Reserved for only 10 students per edition
Via Tadino 30 Milan
Advanced payment of the Course, non-refundable in case of cancellation