Course of

Wax microsculpture for goldsmith

The continuous dialogue we have with companies in the jewellery field often leads the SOA to introduce new disciplines. This is the case with the Course of  Wax Microsculpture for Goldsmith. The world of Fashion, but also of Goldsmith and Jewellery, is investing in the accessory/jewellery in an organic-figurative style. Objects with these characteristics are now in great demand on the market, but its history goes back to the time of ornamentation’s origin. Since it is in our interest, and that of our students, to be close to the needs of the market, we have included this new Course that, through the use of a special technique and a few specific tools and materials, allows us to obtain figurative objects in high definition with stunning results.

A certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the Course program.


Sculpture of a figurative object using semi-hard waxes; modelling is performed with an electric spatula and steel spatulas. The operations are mainly by ‘accretion’ (addition of wax) and just in few phases by cold subtraction of wax with specific tools derived from orthodontic technology. The aim of the Course is figurative hyperrealism, i.e. the rendering of the image close to the real image down to the smallest detail.

Request Information

Fields marked with * are mandatory

Time of the year

1st shift from mid-October to the end of November;
2nd shift from mid-February to the end of April

Course frequency

To be agreed with the School

Days and shifts

To be agreed with the School

Course duration

Approx. 42 hours


970 €


Italian and English


Only open to those who have completed the Wax Modelling for Goldsmiths Course or can demonstrate equivalent preparation

Number of students

Reserved for only 5 students per edition


Via Tadino 30 Milan


Advanced payment of the Course, non-refundable in case of cancellation

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